Thuat ngu

 Access Control List (ACL) 

Access Control Entries (ACEs)

- Discretionary Access Control List (DACL): check for level of access

- System Access Control Lists (SACL)

Access denied ACE

Access allowed ACE

System audit ACE

Domain trust

- Parent-child

- Cross-link

- External

- Tree-root

- Forest

- Enhanced Security Admin Environment (ESAE)

Network Interface Card (NIC) card mạng

Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD)

Windows Management Instrumentation Command-line (WMIC)

Web-Based Enterprise Management (WBEMc)

New Technology Directory Services Directory Information Tree (NTDS.DIT)

Microsoft’s Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS)

User Account Control (UAC)

Dynamic Link Library (DLL)

BPA (Block Public Access)

Fully Qualfied Domain Name (FQDN)

Public key infrastructure (PKI)

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